School of Management

This degree draws on the School's proven experience in providing management education. You will study organisations, their management and the changing external environment in which they operate. You will also gain the necessary skills for a successful career in business and management. A unique feature of this programme is that you will have the opportunity to study elements of service sector management that are relevant to your background, interests and career aspirations. The service sector includes retail, financial services, tourism and hotel. These are some of the world's fast growing industries and provide superb employment opportunities both in the Cambodia for suitably qualified people.

School of Law

The School of Law can be treated either as the first step in a legal career, or as a first degree which provides an excellent preparation for a variety of other occupations. Some 60 per cent of graduates go on to practise law; a UME degree is very well received in this country. Other UME graduates have gone on to work in public administration, commerce and industry, as civil servants and police officers, business managers and directors, to positions in the media. The Bachelor of Laws degree signifies intellectual competence and a record of application and achievement which is widely valued and recognised outside the profession.
With over 700 students, around half studying for a first degree, we offer a wide range of option subjects with contributions from teachers on vocational courses and active researchers. The School of law provides a broad and integrated range of academic and profession
The Bachelor of Laws degree affords a distinctive opportunity to explore the universe of legal ideas within a social, economic, philosophical and practical context. The Bachelor of Laws at UME provides a recognised qualification with an excellent reputation in today's legal profession.

School of Economics

Economics is the study of how people make choice, and the effects of these choices upon individuals and the economy as a whole. Economist believe people act in their own interests and so use resources in ways that can be understood through simple theories. Corroborated by careful statistical analysis. This theoretical core gives economics its unique character as a social science that uses many of  the techniques of mathematics and physics.
At UME, we have designed our undergraduate degrees to equip you with the skills that you will need in order to be able to understand the complex nature of the economic problems that society faces today. For example, in the first weeks of your course, you will meet a simple theory of supply and demand which predicts the immediate impact on consumer demand of the government introducing a sales tax. By the time you are in the final year of your course, you will be able to explain the long term impact of such changes on economic growth, inflation and unemployment. Since our graduates have ability to analyze problems and present solutions very clearly, they go on to rewarding careers in business, banking and finance and the civil service.

School of Science and Technology

This core unit introduces students to the concepts and theory of information technology. This will allow students to comfortably operate in an information society. In addition, students will work in the computer laboratory to fulfill the requirements of the practical work. Students will be exposed to a variety of standard PC software packages. This field of study is a strategic response to society's changing needs. It will continue to evolve as organizations cope with the proliferation and complexity of new information technologies and services. It is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia as well as in Cambodia.
Information is an essential resource for academic excellence, competitiveness in business and industry, scientific progress, and national development. Like any other resource, information must be managed. High-quality sources must be located, and arrangements must be made for access to timely, accurate, appropriate, and cost-effective information. Technological advances in telecommunications and the hardware and software of computing can be utilized to provide the optimum access to information.
The need for information management skills in government and private organizations is increasingly recognized. People knowledgeable in methods of facilitating information collection, dissemination, and use are in demand. Such persons should also be skilled in identifying information needs and in accessing, repackaging, and presenting information in such a way that it can be utilized in support of the objectives of the users. The opportunity to specialize the economics degree in any of the following: Networking and Security, Programming, Database management.

School of  Agriculture and Rural Development

    Agricultural science graduates have excellent job prospects in science, biotechnology and research-oriented      positions, as well as in primary industry, government and agribusiness. Examples of careers include:
  • agronomist - conducts research and advises farmers to help improve crops, pastures and farming systems
  • plant breeder - improves plant varieties, using the latest research in biotechnology
  • animal scientist - beef, lamb, wool, dairy - investigates animal production, nutrition, genetics and behavior natural    resource manager - researches and promotes sustainable use of land and water soil scientist - involved in soil fertility  management and land suitability assessment, including salinity management
  • microbiologist - works in areas of environmental sustainability, infectious diseases of plants, animals and people, food  processing and safety, and molecular biology/biotechnology
  • horticulturalist - conducts research into production and development of vegetable, fruit and other high-value crops
  • entomologist - studies the ecology and management of insects, including biological control
  • plant pathologist - studies plant diseases and their management
  • consultant - advises producers on many aspects of their agricultural business.

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